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[FWP] Oy! Bad Perl

So, I'm hacking Perl for food, and I'm asked to look at changing a
classifieds CGI script to rearrange the items (strictly cosmetic change).
What to my wondering eyes should appear in the first script file I open up:

if ($total_ads == 1) {
  print qq~
There is currently <b><font color="#ff0000">$total_ads</font></b>
$record_singular_lc in this section.<p>~;

else {
  print qq~
There are currently <b><font color="#ff0000">$total_ads</font></b>
$record_plural_lc in this section.<p>~;

Talk about going the long way around. Is there a Reverse Golf category?

(I should point out that the $record_(singular|plural)_lc variables support
multiple language functionality.)

"What is the sound of Perl?  Is it not the sound of a wall that
people have stopped banging their heads against?"	-- Larry Wall
Jeff Boes  <><  jboes@qtm.net
Mur Consulting  http://murconsulting.hypermart.net/

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