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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl and [A]CGI startup time

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At 8:53 AM -0500 5/6/98, Chris Nandor wrote:

} If you want to use WebSTAR or something, you can get much better
} performance from AppleScripts and Frontier (I think), simply because
} MacPerl can only execute one script at a time.  However, when this changes
} (we hope), then MacPerl will be a much more attractive alternative.

Frontier, yes, but I think the situation with AppleScript is much the same
as with MacPerl.  And I believe AppleScript queues last-in-first-out, so if
requests get stacked up it's the latest one that arrives that gets done
first.  This may have changed with System 8, or maybe the latest Web
servers can spawn AppleScripts in individual threads, but I haven't seen
any indication of that anywhere (not that I look all that hard, but it's a
development that probably would have generated a lot of traffic in the
AppleScript groups).

Given the rate at which things are going, for Perl it will probably change
first in Rhapsody, for fork()ish and/or mod_perl reasons. Given that
Rhapsody is being positioned as a server/power user OS, this may well make
the point moot for Web servers for which this is an actual problem.

} --
} Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
} MacPerl: Power and Ease (ISBN 1881957322), http://www.ptf.com/macperl/
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Paul J. Schinder

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