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Re: [MacPerl] GIF image size

At 16.04 +0200 98-05-14, Angus McIntyre wrote:
>GIF is relatively easy. The size of the image is given in bytes 7-10 of the
>GIF file, in low-byte, high-byte order.

Perl is wonderful - I love it! Thanks!

>There exists a more general method for finding sizes of all known image
>types, but I've forgotten exactly what it is. I believe it involves using a
>module which isn't part of the standard MacPerl distribution. Chris Nandor
>will be along in a moment to tell us, but in the meantime the above
>function may get you started.

Yes, David Turley just told me about the Image::Size module (thanks,
David!) but the moment, your function is exactly what I need. Thanks again!

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