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Re: [MacPerl] Mac::AppleEvents::Simple feedback

At 11:39 -0500 5/22/98, Chris Nandor wrote:
>Any thoughts, ideas, problems?  Am I wasting my time on this?  :)


I like the idea...I haven't had time to look at the code.

One thing that struck me while reading your original message was that
allowing the
part of the call to be replaced by a dictionary (keyed by the parameter
keyword, with special handling to install '----' into the event first,
probably) might sometimes be handy.

The equivalent facility in Frontier (substituting a table for the key/value
pairs) is very handy sometimes (although I tend not to use it enough).

I started writing this reply before, but decided it would be better to read
the code first (which I still haven't done).


John Baxter   jwblist@olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach him to fish,
and you get rid of him for the weekend.

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