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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl can't Open DOS files (and BinHex)

The problem is, I believe, with the DOS diskette.  If you copy the file
to your hard drive it should function normally.  There was a discussion
a couple of weeks back about DOS diskettes and another problem.  The
simplest way to alleviate such things is to just not use them.  (Not
that I am advocating that as THE method/answer to everything.  Just
that, if you want to get past this point this seems the most logical
method to circumvent the problem.)

I would also suggest trying BBEdit.  It can read DOS diskettes without
any kind of problems and it can also then save the file to your hard
drive as a Macintosh file.  :-)

All e-mail needs to be sent to mark@cheers.jsc.nasa.gov.  If you don't,
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Steve Wright: Black holes are where God divided by zero.

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