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Re: [MacPerl] Trendy MacPerl

At 13.01 -0500 1998.05.29,
riechert@miyako.japanologie.kultur.uni-tuebingen.de (Andreas M wrote:
>MacPerl seems to become more and more trendy. If Netscape tells
>the world that MacPerl is better than Apple Script then there must
>be some truth in it:-)

	tell (load script file "$CodeWarriorLib") to ActivateCodeWarrior()

Of course, the source USES AppleScript, but that is beside the point.  If I
feel like it, I might rewrite it with Apple Events, benchmark it, and see
how it goes.  But I have a feeling this is a tiny part of the overall build
time, and that the few extra seconds to DoAppleScript doesn't make a big
difference in the long run.  :)

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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