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[MacPerl] MacPerl and [A]CGI startup time


just two short questions I did not readily found in the documentation:

1) Are MacPerl packaged CGI Scripts CGI applications (limited to the 
single-threading of AppleScript) or in fact ACGI Scripts in the WebStar 
sense? I did not find clarification in the CGI package documentation 
included (whose examples and support files BTW are not self contained and 
really only show the crude path).

With WebStar compliant web servers a single "CGI" application will be 
monopolizing the web server and block other requests from being served 
until the CGI script is completed.

An ACGI (asynchronous CGI) will be served asynchronously with other 
requests until completed.

Usual WebStar web server documentation strongly suggests using CGI when 
utilizing AppleScript, due to some problems with reentrancy there. This 
maybe does not affect AppleEvents, as used by the MacPerl CGI package.

2) Is there anything which can be done to speed up the startup 
compilation of scripts used via the CGI package. On a (modest) Performa 
6300 any script using Net:: packages is compiling for several second, 
which, when combined with the above question CGI/ACGI effectively blocks 
the whole web server.

-- Gerald

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