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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl limitation

Charles A. Sha'ban writes 27 May 98

>I don't want to make it long for you, my question is that I am trying to open a
>big Perl program with MacPerl (even 5.2.0r4), but I always get "This file is
>too big to be edited in MacPerl...", I tried raising the memory allocation for
>MacPerl but no use. Kindly advise.

It is only the MacPerl *editor* which has a limit around 32K; for scripts
longer than that you should use the external editor facility built into

Specify the text editor you want to use in Internet Config's 'editor
helper' -- BBEdit or Alpha are most often used asfaik.

It pretty much explains itself, but see also page 46 of MacPerl "Power and
Ease". If you haven't bought that book yet btw, now would be an ideal time
to visit a book store...

Alan Fry

"Power and Ease" by Vivki Brown and Chris Nandor ISBN 1-881957-32-2 info@ptf.com

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